Civil, Commercial & Criminal Investigations

At Amberley Investigations, our team is highly trained and experienced in handling criminal investigation assignments. From interviewing witnesses and preparing statements to gathering proofs of evidence, locus reports, and crime scene photography, we provide all the support you need to build a solid case for an upcoming criminal trial.

Our expertise also extends to civil and commercial investigations, tackling everything from fraud and industrial espionage to unethical activities and in-house theft. We work diligently to uncover the truth, ensuring you have all the facts at your fingertips.

Need a background check? We’ve got that covered too! Whether you’re vetting potential tenants, employees, or business partners, we can provide thorough background checks to give you peace of mind and ensure you’re working with legitimate, trustworthy individuals.

Reach out to us at for a no-obligation consultation or submit an enquiry through our form.